Title search <exactly matches>

Hi Jackie,

Thanks for your questions!

Partially matched with exact proximity (term appearing next to each other) is not a match?

:arrow_right: As I understand it, partially matched texts of any kind will not constitute a match for this search type.

Incidentally, the is initial article that would be usually ignored when conducting a right-anchored browse based search. Were there discussions about searches with/without initial article, ie, the, a, an, les, l’, la, las, etc. will yield to same results?

:arrow_right: Currently the articles are not ignored when searching for “begins with” or “exactly matches” via advanced search. I feel like I have heard this topic or similar topics being discussed e.g. in connection with Titles of original works starting with an article are left-stripped (#4549), but I am not sure to which extent this particular topic for this particular context has been discussed.

@tizianap might know if it has been discussed in the community?

And @a.gazzarini might know whether there are assumptions made out-of-the-box with the search technology we are using?

@jshieh, how would you expect the search to handle this? Does it currently behave differently than what you were expecting?