The existing navigation is very top-down and purely hierarchical: From agents to original works to publications to related agents of the publication.
Though OK in basic cases, it doesn’t work well for presenting aggregates, i.e. publications that are connected to >1 original work (opus).
Example: The publication p19831656497627433 represents 3 different opus entities (o691654266466591, o871654265179035, o981654266509953) but this is not easy to discover in the current UI. And the breadcrumbs are no help here. In this case I would like to have direct links to all original works that the publication represents.
One way of doing it could be to expand the Setting menu, enabling the user to include such inks, - possibly both on the Publication list and the publication detail page.
Hi @oddrun,
thanks a lot for your suggestion.
I believe such kind of collaboration is exactly what we need to improve Share-VDE.
I’ll fill an issue in our ticketing syatem and I’ll keep you informed about that.